HTT Canada

Plasma technology

HTT Plasma Technology

Plasma Waste Treatment Process
Plasma pyrolysis is used to safely treat various types of waste in a furnace or in a reactor. The plasma pyrolysis process is the thermal degradation of organic substance in the absence of air (oxygen) by means of plasma energy. As a result of this process occur dissociation molecules of organic matter (waste) and the formation of syngas and inert inorganic residue (slag). The main element of plasma technology is a plasma arc torch. A plasma torch uses gas or steam and metal electrodes (copper, tungsten, hafnium, zirconium, etc.) to create plasma, which is an ionized gas. The temperature of the plasma torch can be in the range
3 000-6 000°C; at these temperatures molecular bonds break down through a process called molecular dissociation, to create basic elements of materials – atoms.
Plasma processing of waste is an ecologically clean process. The lack of oxygen and high temperature in a reactor prevent the main elements of gas from forming toxic compounds, such as furans, dioxins, NOx, or sulfur dioxide. Extensive filtration removes inorganic residue (ash) and gaseous pollutants (NO, HCl, H2S, etc.) and allows the production of ecologically clean synthetic gas. The gaseous compounds do not contain any phenols or complex hydrocarbons. The circulating water in these filtering systems has removed the hazardous substances and must be cleaned.
Synthetic gas it is used basically for reception of electric energy. Gaseous pollutants are converted to valuable chemical products. Inert slag could be granulated and subsequently used in construction. Metal could be used for production of alloys, etc.
For detailed information on the above products visit the pages of this section.

Decision Process

When we design the plasma equipment for treatment of your waste, we need to take into account the following information :
• What kind of waste do you have? (MSW, biomass, etc.)
• How much waste do you have? (Ton per year, ton per hour)
• What is their proximate analysis and ultimate analysis?
• What do you wish have at the exit (What is your goal):
- Do you wish to dispose of waste?
- Do you wish to convert your waste to the by-products (Syngas and inert slag)?
- Do you wish to get an energy?

Your possibility

When you order plasma equipment for the treatment of your waste, you need to take in the following information :
• HTT's technology can be used to convert Waste to Energy
• HTT's technology can be used to obtain by-products during waste-treatment which can be used in a variety of processes and applications
• HTT's technology can be used to increase combustion efficiency of coal fuel
• HTT's technology can be used to improve environmental performance of power plants and incinerators

We offer ecologically clean plasma technology