HTT Canada

Environmental safe

High Temperature Technologies Corp. pays special attention to sustainability and environment. HTT's plasma arc facilities have advanced systems put in place at different stages of waste treatment process to control various pollutants.

Pollutants can generally be split into three categories: Air, Solid and Water


Factories and plants are some of the main contributors to the air pollution. Emissions are regulated by the United States Protection Agency ("USEPA"). The Agency places special concern on the following emissions: sulphur dioxide (SO2), hydrogen chloride (HCL), carbon monoxide (CO), nitric oxides (NOx), particulates (PM), volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), including chlorinated hydrocarbons (dioxins) and heterocyclic organic compounds (furans).


The primary solid output generated at plasma facilities is a glassy slag: the result of melting the inorganic fraction of the waste. Any waste disposal facility that generates an ash or slag is regulated by the USEPA and subjects it to a Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (“TCLP”) test. The TCLP test is designed to measure the amount of eight elements that leach from the material being tested. TCLP tests on plasma facilities, even those processing highly hazardous materials or medical waste, show results that are well below regulatory limits.


Synthesis gas (“syngas”) obtained in plasma furnaces and reactors through waste treatment is used in the chemical industry and electric gas generators. Before use, syngas should be cleared of chlorine, sulphur and other harmful substances to prevent their emissions in the atmosphere. The clearing equipment includes scrapers, filters, and systems of a sorbent. Closed system of circulating water and other cleaning liquids system in these equipment remove harmful substances from syngas safely for the environment.

We offer ecologically clean plasma technology