HTT Canada

Plasma products

Products Overview

High Temperature Technologies Corp. offers advanced technology for treatment of waste and disposal.
The main elements of this technology are Plasma arc torches and Plasma furnaces.

HTT Corp. currently offers plasma products for the treatment of following types of waste:
Organic waste:
- Municipal Solid Waste
- Biomass, Wood waste
- Scrap Tire and Plastic Waste
Hazardous waste:
- Chemical Waste
- Biomedical Waste
- Asbestos-containing Waste
Other waste:
- Low-level Radioactive Waste
- Fly Ash and Sludge Waste of Power Plant (Incinerator)

For detailed information on the above products visit the pages of this section.

Decision Process

When we design the plasma equipment for treatment of your waste, we need to take into account the following information :
• What kind of waste do you have? (MSW, biomass, etc.)
• How much waste do you have? (Ton per year, ton per hour)
• What is their proximate analysis and ultimate analysis?
• What do you wish have at the exit (What is your goal):
- Do you wish to dispose of waste?
- Do you wish to convert your waste to the by-products (Syngas and inert slag)?
- Do you wish to get an energy?

Your possibility

When you order plasma equipment for the treatment of your waste, you need to take in the following information :
• HTT's technology can be used to convert Waste to Energy
• HTT's technology can be used to obtain by-products during waste-treatment which can be used in a variety of processes and applications
• HTT's technology can be used to increase combustion efficiency of coal fuel
• HTT's technology can be used to improve environmental performance of power plants and incinerators

Our Values

Fostering of environment of trust and mutual respect
Conduct business with uncompromising integrity
Encouraging open communication and dialogue to achieve common goals
Promoting of environment, where achievement and knowledge are valued and rewarded

Product configuration

HTT Canada sells plasma arc torches, furnaces and reactors

When you purchase plasma arc torches you can get and power supply block.

When you purchase reactors and furnaces you get plasma equipment at basic complete set:
• Plasma furnace (reactor) with loading-unloading devices;
• Plasma arc torches with power supply;
• Control system of plasma furnace.
A fully operational waste-processing facility must additionally include supply and other equipment:
• Receiving, preparing, storage system of waste;
• Receiving and storage system of inert slag;
• Cleaning-cooling devices for syngas;
• Monitoring block of exhaust gases for emission control;
• Air supply system (air compressor, etc.);
• Water supply system (water pump, water reservoir with local water recycling device, dry air cooler etc.);
• Electric power supply system of plasma arc torches and the plasma facility;
• Control system of the plasma facility

Execution of the order

In the minimum configuration, we provide to the client only the basic complete set of the plasma installation that includes a plasma furnace with a loading block for waste, an unloading block inert slag, plasma arc torches with ignition blocks and a control system. We can also provide to the client a complete set of cleaning and cooling equipment (optional) and a control and monitoring equipment of emissions (optional).

But for operate of basic complete set of the plasma installation required Supply equipment for supply air, water and electricity, as well as for storage and preparation of waste and storage of inert slag and syngas. We develop a project for the all equipment except of equipment for the production of electricity. We give to the customer the requirements for Supply equipment and we recommend the type of standard equipment and manufacturers. This equipment must comply with the standards for such equipment in the customer’s country. As a rule the customer buys this equipment or the customer requests do it the local engineering company. We're doing the installing and commissioning all project equipment (plasma equipment and standard equipment).

This approach allows us to focus only on a plasma technology and to improve the quality of order execution, as well as accelerate the implementation of the project and minimize the cost of the project as a whole. But we can deliver Standard equipment additionally, on customer request.

For operate of Waste-to-Energy plant is required Optional equipment for the storage of synthetic gas and for electricity production. We do not deliver Optional equipment. We give the customer requirements for Optional equipment only. We can recommend you the manufacturer of such equipment.

We offer ecologically clean plasma technology